Hi, I am Sathish

python developer

my image

Projects I have done

Sales Report Website

Using Django, Created a sales report website, where you can manage your database and get report about the sales occured in the specific duration. CSV files can also be uploaded and converted to sales objects and the report pdf can be obtained. Reports consists of sales data, and the data converted to charts for user visionery.Charts are created using matplotlib.

TCP/IP room chatbox

TCP/IP connection laid bettwen the local devices using socket programming.This consists of two logical states i.e server and the client. The server receives the message for the client, and broadcaste the message to the clients connected to the server. In this manner you can able to communicate between your end to end devices through binding the particular port number.

E-Commerce website backend management

Using Flask framework, the E-commerce backend for the user database is created, the products objects in the databse is dynamicaly upataded in the front_end part. Features such as User creation for Sign-up and User Authendication for Sign-in is made, the created User object is stored in the database. User_Password is get hashed and stored in the database, thus the password of the specific user is get secured.User can buy stuffs from the website and it gets stored in the database.

My work

Who I am

Im a python developer

Hi Im Sathish, Python developer. I have worked over the python modules such as Tkinter, Pygame, Opencv, Turtle, etc. Im now interested in the feild of Web designing and the back_end development using Django and Flask.

Im an enthusiatic learner, always find the interesting technology and learn indepth concept and like to create projects over the things I have learnt. I need in help on ReactJs, anyone who has willingness to combine and do projects on react or python your are always welcome.

My work

Some projects that I have done