The title of my project

Pygame Connect Four

my image

Connect four game using pygame. I really enjoyed while creating the game, the game rules are simple, there will be player 1 and player 2. If any one can able to manage to form four red dots or green dots either in horizontal, verical or diagonal, The player will be said to be winner and the game will get restarted. Its somewhat similar to the TIC_TAC_TOE.

The GUI part is made using pygame, pygame have also have similar event functionalities like mover hover, click, etc. The game window is caonstantly get updated wheneven pygame found the events. Its like similar to the old comics creatation, like swipe cartoon books, the game window get refreshed and drawn again and again

The table platform is created using numpy.arrays and the initialized to zero and player 1 given red colour{1} and the player 2 is given green colour{2}. The corresponding value get update when the user get change to play. If any user gets win ,the user will be regarded as a Winner orelse if its an draw the table will get refershed.

Source code